You can prevent another generation of Australians
from facing a lifetime of poverty

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Around 1 in 12 young people are not fully engaged in work or study1.

For many young people, particularly those experiencing disadvantage, it is very difficult to enter the job market. That’s because our current employment system does not cater to the diverse needs of young job seekers. 

That’s why for the past year, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) has been advocating to the government to improve our flawed employment services system. We have highlighted how it is failing many young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to get a good start to their working lives.

While we’re seeing positive changes from the government, we know there is still more to be done. You can help young people realise their capabilities through skill development and access to job and training opportunities by donating today.

Thank you for giving everyone a chance for a brighter future.