Reconnecting, reimagining...

Photo by Danielle Bonica, ABC

During the 2022 financial year, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence has continued to work hard to lift 3.2 million Australians out of poverty. In this report we highlight our impact as we continue to create lasting change and a society where everyone can thrive.

Travers McLeod, Executive Director of the Brotherhood of St. Laurence

A message from our Executive Director, Travers McLeod

I have always thought of BSL as a centre of gravity for change — a place with a huge heart, an enormous legacy and a rare ability to shine light on a different pathway for our country. Now a few months in, I am convinced Australia cannot flourish over the next decade unless BSL and the communities and people we serve can as well.

Our impact

In 2022 we continued to support those facing disadvantage and advocated to bring about lasting, systemic change in achieving our vision of an Australia free of poverty.

Read more about our impact

Creating lasting change

Our goal is to create lasting, rather than temporary policy choices to end poverty. Read about how we have driven innovation and lasting change this year...

A young student reads a book with help from a teacher in an outdoor playground.

Australia’s early childhood development system fails too many children. One in five Australian children start school developmentally vulnerable. That jumps to two in five for those without access to early learning.

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Members of the Brotherhood of St. Laurence’s First Jobs Project, a community-based program that is designed to help young people find their first job.

Despite low unemployment figures, many young people are struggling to find decent secure jobs that set them up for the future.

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An employee at a pop-up stand for The Brotherhood of St. Laurence’s Jobs Victoria program.

In the last decade, Australian productivity and wage growth have slowed, placing pressure on living standards. There is a concern that Australia is less flexible, dynamic and consequently less able to take advantage of its opportunities.

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Learn more about how we’re creating lasting change

BSL has increased its dollar spend with Indigenous suppliers by over 58% in the past financial year

This year’s Supply Nation Connect 2022 Indigenous Business Tradeshow was a fantastic opportunity for BSL to connect with 160 Indigenous businesses and 1800 delegates.

Other highlights

In addition to our work in driving innovation and systemic change, we are proud to celebrate some of BSL’s other achievements throughout the 2022 financial year…

A Brotherhood of St. Laurence stand and participants pictured during Reconciliation Week.

BSL is on a journey of Reconciliation with First Nations people. Our Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) has provided a structured, tested and nationally recognised model for us to formalise a commitment to Reconciliation.

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Debbie Parker, a volunteer for the Brotherhood of St. Laurence.

This last financial year, our volunteers have played an instrumental role in connecting with and supporting their communities.

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A volunteer worker at the Brotherhood of St. Laurence’s Op Shop in Northcote, Melbourne

Our Op Shops had a disruptive financial year as the retail industry was one of the hardest hit by the pandemic.

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Chloe, who participated in my first internship with the Youth and Practice Team at the Brotherhood of St. Laurence through its association with the CareerTrackers program.

“The internship has allowed me to work in a field that is relevant to my medical studies.”

During the past summer, Chloe participated in her first Indigenous internship with the BSL Youth and Practice Team through its association with the CareerTrackers program.

Governance, financials and strategy

BSL is committed to achieving the highest standards of corporate governance. We recognise that transparency and accountability through governance is central to ensuring that BSL is effective in pursuing our mission, while satisfying standards and expectations of government, community and funders.

Thank you

We are so grateful to those who join and support us – financially, as staff and volunteers, and as partners, in our mission to work for an Australia free of poverty.

A volunteer for the Brotherhood of St. Laurence.

BSL is thankful to the 1,415 volunteers who have donated their time and skills as part of our workforce, and supported our programs, participants and Op Shops over the last year.

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A family sit together on a sofa.

We are grateful to our fundraising and philanthropic donors for their generous contributions.

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Four young people reading books and devices sit together outside

We recognise all our community partners for their invaluable support.

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