Thank you

This 2022 financial year we are so grateful to those who join and support us – financially, as staff and volunteers, and as partners, in our mission to work for an Australia free of poverty.

Now in the third year of the pandemic, we appreciate the unstinting support of over 2500 staff, volunteers and supporters who were able to pull together and stay true to BSL’s vision and mission in the communities we serve. Your support and generosity helped us to extend our reach, maintain our existing programs, enhance our research, and drive lasting change that every Australian can benefit from.

Our partners and supporters

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BSL is thankful to the 1,415 volunteers who have donated their time and skills as part of our workforce and supported our programs, participants and op shops over the last year.

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We are grateful to our fundraising and philanthropic donors for their generous contributions.

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Community partners

We recognise all our community partners for their invaluable support.

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NDIS Child

We thank all those that support BSL through financial gifts.

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BSL also acknowledges the financial and other support received from the Commonwealth Government and Victoria State Government.

You can help make change

You can support us in making lasting change today in a range of ways.

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