
We are grateful to our fundraising and philanthropic donors for their generous contributions.

A mother and daughter sitting in a park
A mother and daughter sitting in a park

In the 2022 financial year, our fundraising income contributed $9.8 million toward our vision of an Australia free of poverty.

The financial support we receive from donors allows us to improve and extend our work with individuals, families and communities who experience disadvantage and to undertake research and develop the policies needed to meet the social and economic challenges of persistent poverty. 

Our sincere appreciation and thanks to all individuals, organisations, trusts and foundations, and community groups who have enabled our work with your generous support.


We would like to recognise and thank our patron, Lady Southey AC, for her ongoing support of our work.

Some of our other supporters include:

  • Aged Persons Welfare Foundation
  • Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ)
  • ANZ employees through ANZ’s Workplace Giving program
  • B B & A Miller Foundation
  • Barlow Foundation
  • Bernie and Virginia McIntosh
  • Betty Willis
  • Citi Foundation
  • Citigroup Pty. Ltd.
  • Commonwealth Bank Foundation
  • Custom Fleet Pty. Ltd.
  • Danks Trust
  • Edward Miller
  • Goodman Family Foundation
  • Grange Investments Pty. Ltd.
  • GW Vowell Foundation
  • Helen Foster
  • Herbert Smith Freehills
  • Isaacson Davis Foundation
  • Jacobsen Family Foundation
  • Jennifer Bourke
  • Jennifer G Smith
  • Joe White Bequest
  • Kathy McLean
  • Krystyna Campbell-Pretty AM and family
  • Lady Marigold Southey Fund
  • Margaret S. Ross AM
  • Mark Rowsthorn
  • Norma Jenkins Family Trust
  • Perpetual
  • Perpetual Foundation – Alan (AGL) Shaw Foundation
  • Peter Hanks
  • Phillip Dooley
  • Rosey Kids Foundation
  • Sally Salter
  • Schneider Electric Foundation
  • Smartgroup Foundation
  • The Flora & Frank Leith Charitable Trust
  • The George Lewin Foundation
  • The Gray Family Charitable Trust
  • The Jack Brockhoff Foundation
  • The Muffin Foundation
  • The Paul Ramsay Foundation
  • The William Angliss (Victoria) Charitable Fund
  • Ward-Ambler Foundation
  • Yalinga