The Board of Directors

Role of the Board

The Board is responsible for setting the strategic direction and establishing the policies of BSL. It is responsible for monitoring the performance of the activities of BSL and overseeing its financial state on behalf of the Charter and Life Members. It is also responsible for ensuring that risks are adequately managed.

Composition of the Board

BSL’s Constitution limits the number of Board Members to 14, including the Executive Director and at least two people who are clerics in Holy Orders of the Anglican Church of Australia. Further, the Chair is required to be a communicant member of the Anglican Church of Australia. Currently there are nine Directors including the Executive Director.


BSL Directors volunteer their time and skills to the organisation and as such no remuneration was paid or is payable to the Directors in their capacity as Board Members.

Company Secretary

  • Ms Philippa Allen BA (Hons) DUNELM, DipCFS Event Man (to November 2019)
  • Ms Bernadette Doyle LLB (Hons), Bbus, GAICD (from November 2019)
    Company Secretary and General Counsel