Amplified the voices of those most affected by COVID-19

By amplifying the voices of the people we serve, our research placed a spotlight on the challenges faced by those experiencing disadvantage.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we drew on rapid research and policy analysis to inform policy stakeholders and decision makers about the likely short and long-term impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups.

Our COVID-19 Insights series pointed to areas demanding attention:

This research was complemented by our work to capture and analyse the issues our own frontline staff observed. These were featured in our report Voices from the COVID-19 frontline .

    The report shows how both the pandemic and its accompanying isolation restrictions had unequal social, health and economic impacts on people facing disadvantage.

    Overall, our research reports highlight the need for comprehensive, systemic solutions that focus on meeting the needs of those most likely to suffer the long-term effects of the pandemic.