Supported our volunteers

Our volunteers showed great resilience during the pandemic as they continued to serve the community.

The COVID-19 pandemic meant the suspension of volunteer-supported programs that were not able to continue without face-to-face service.

Nevertheless, 240 of our BSL program volunteers successfully pivoted to virtual volunteering and continued their support for our services.

Our Digital Literacy Program provides a great example of the important contribution volunteers have made during the pandemic. This program has seen volunteers work remotely to bridge the digital divide our client's experience to reduce barriers to accessing employment opportunities. 

Maliqa, a Digital Literacy participant with our Jobs Victoria Employment Network (JVEN) shared: 'I was able to update my resume and use my computer more confidently. I’m going to say a big thanks to all BSL volunteers. You’ve helped me change my life.'

A woman looking at the camera holding a sign that says thank you,
Maliqa, a participant of our Digital Literacy program

Our Volunteer Engagement team has supported volunteers throughout, providing them with important communications and updates on how the pandemic affects the programs they are involved in.

For many of our volunteers, the experience helps them stay connected to their communities and/or provides them with valuable experience and skills.

Jono, a volunteer at our BSL op shop in Kilsyth said he was: ‘unemployed and practised quite a lot of self-isolation, even before the pandemic, so it’s been helpful for me to get out of the house and interact with people.’ 

We recognise the valuable contribution our volunteers make and look forward to welcoming them back as restrictions fully ease.

A man holds a book in an op shop
BSL Kilsyth op shop volunteer, Jono