Expanded to support the pandemic crisis response

BSL joined forces with Australian Red Cross to support people who were most impacted by the pandemic.

A woman and a man take a selfie while standing on a street wearing face maks
Nabila Yusof and Ali Mamun, who delivered wellbeing checks to those experiencing isolation and loneliness due to COVID-19.

This included taking on the role of Network Lead to support Australian Red Cross Extreme Hardship Support Program (EHSP) . Working closely with the Australian Red Cross and the Department for Fairness, Families and Housing, BSL supported the program and its network of over 700 grassroots multicultural organisations to help people on temporary visas access Extreme Hardship Grants.

BSL was subsequently invited to set up the Wellbeing Checks Program to check on vulnerable Victorians affected by the lockdown. Australian Red Cross phoned over 40,000 people to check in on them. Throughout December 2020, BSL recruited a team of 60 staff to make doorstep visits to over 11,650 people who did not answer the phone calls. BSL reached some of the most isolated and vulnerable members of our community and we were able to refer many residents to community and health organisations for added support.