Helped people into work through our employment and training programs

Our employment services adapted their service delivery to meet both the needs of participants and the employment market.

During the 2021 financial year, BSL operated several employment services supporting adults experiencing disadvantage into work. The programs included Work and Learning Centres, Jobs Victoria Employment Network, Given the Chance, the Community Safety and Information Service and ParentsNext.

The repeated cycle of lockdowns and re-opening has resulted in a situation where there are high numbers of people out of regular work in impacted industries. Some job seekers are reluctant to re-engage with employment until there is greater certainty and they can be reassured of ongoing employment and COVIDSafe workplaces. Others are trying to manage complex family situations and supporting children at home. BSL’s employment programs have continued to operate successfully throughout the pandemic, adapting our approach and ensuring greater flexibility in how support is provided.

A man in fluro safety gear and a woman in office work clothes pose together outside
BSL Work & Learning Centre participant, Ron, and Advisor, Sophie

One example is our Work and Learning Centres (WLCs ) in Melbourne and Shepparton. Through digital communications, virtual meetings, print, radio and social media strategies, our WLC teams made sure they continued their engagement with program participants during COVID-19.

We helped participants like Ron, one of 21 Shepparton WLC participants, to successfully gain employment with the Greater Shepparton Council.

You can read more about Ron’s story on the Greater Shepparton Council news page .

Learn more about BSL’s employment services