Feedback and complaints
BSL welcomes all complaints, compliments and feedback. We use this input to help measure the quality of our services and interactions the public has with us.
Provide feedback or make a complaint
If you would like to provide feedback or make a complaint about interactions you had with BSL you can:
- Go to our online form here
- Phone: Quality Assurance team on 0491 691 926
- Email:
Our process
An investigation, made by someone independent of the area being investigated, will be undertaken within 14 working days of receiving a complaint. If for some reason we cannot investigate the complaint within this timeframe, we will let you know and provide an estimate of the time required.
You will receive advice of any outcomes.
What we need from you
We will need your name and contact details as well as some details of the circumstances around your complaint.
If you choose to make an anonymous complaint, the details will still be noted and the issue will be reviewed and documented.
We know that making a complaint isn't always easy to do and we want to help. However these things can take time. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during any investigation. You may be asked to provide additional details to the investigator
Our commitment to providing a positive experience
We aim to address all feedback with helpful cooperation and sensitivity. If you provide feedback, please be assured that it will be treated with the strictest confidence and resolved as fully as possible.
We understand that on some occasions you may wish to take your complaint to an independent sector body. It is your right to seek independent advice or support when making a complaint.
- Download the BSL Whistleblower Policy
- Download the BSL Feedback Statement
Independent sector bodies that may also be able to help you
Commission for Children and Young People
The Commission for Children and Young People does not investigate complaints. It is an independent statutory body that promotes policy improvement and protecting the safety and wellbeing of Victorian children and young people.
The commission has a particular focus on vulnerable children and young people. It can refer Complaints to the Department of Health and Human Services.
Phone: (03) 8601 5281
Disability Services Commissioner
If you are unhappy with a service provided by BSL disability service, you can talk to the commission. You can make an enquiry, ask for information, receive coaching on how to talk to your service provider or make a complaint.
Phone: 1800 677 342
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
If you are unhappy with our NDIS Local Coordination Service, you can talk to the commission. You can make an enquiry, ask for information, or make a complaint.
Phone: 1800 035 544
Department of Health and Human Services
The department wants to ensure services work for people who need and use them. It wants to hear from people using their services, their advocates and representatives. The department particularly wants to know if a person felt a service was unsatisfactory, they did not receive enough information or choice or believes they were denied respect, dignity or privacy.
Phone: 1300 650 172 (local call fee within Victoria except mobiles)
Privacy Commissioner
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) can investigate privacy complaints from individuals about Victorian Government agencies or an agency providing services on their behalf. You can make a complaint if you are unhappy with the handling of your personal information.
Complaints to the Privacy Commissioner must be made in writing. The preference is for you to use their online Privacy Complaint form.
Phone: 1300 666 444
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission provides a free service for anyone to raise their concerns about the quality of care or services being delivered to people receiving aged care services subsidised by the Australian Government.
When writing, you should ensure your letter includes:
- your name, address and telephone number
- the date you are lodging your complaint
- details of your complaint, including specific dates of events and relevant comments
- the name of the aged care home or service and the state/territory in which it is located
- the name of the person that your complaint relates to who is receiving aged care.
Phone: 1800 951 822 (mobile calls will incur charges)
Mail: Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, GPO Box 9819, Melbourne 3000
Registered Training Organisations
The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) encourages students and parents to make complaints and resolve issues when they arise. Complaints can improve the quality of education. The first step you must take is to make a complaint directly to your school or training organisation.
If you have been unable to resolve your complaint with your school or training organisation you can make a complaint to the VRQA about the RTO. Your complaint must be made in writing. You can use our online complaint form.
Phone: 03 9637 2806 (from 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday)
Child and Adult Safeguarding
The Brotherhood of St Laurence (BSL) commits to promoting and protecting the welfare and human rights of people that interact with, or are affected by, our work - particularly those that may be at risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation. This includes respecting the cultural identity of children and young people.
- Download the Child and Adult Safeguarding Policy
- Download the Child Safe Statement (184KB PDF)
For all child and adult safeguarding enquiries or reports, please contact or call 0491 156 089
National Redress Scheme
The National Redress Scheme provides acknowledgement and support to people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse. Find out more at or call 1800 737 377 . The Brotherhood can also be contacted directly at .