Saving and managing money

Financial security is essential to building a good life, but people on low incomes face more barriers to achieving it.

Saver plus logo new

Join Australia’s award winning free financial education and matched savings program and receive up to $500 for you or your children’s education.

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MoneyMinded textbook on desk

We offer community workers training in MoneyMinded, Australia’s largest adult financial education program.

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Hand holding dollar notes

Go to the Money Smart website to find services that can help you.

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The Financial Empowerment & Resilience Network (FERN) is for anyone who would like to build their financial skills, knowledge and confidence.

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SEED Logo Card

The SEED Project (Sustaining Economic Empowerment and Dignity for Women) will demonstrate how working at a local to national level can disrupt narratives of disadvantage and create opportunities.

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Smiling Stepping Stones to Small Business participants

For women with refugee, asylum seeker and migrant backgrounds, Stepping Stones to Small Business provides opportunities to achieve financial wellbeing.

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Improving money management

People living in poverty have fewer financial and social resources and don't always have the means to live well. It is a struggle to pay for education costs, ‘big ticket’ household items like efficient hot-water systems and a family’s cost of living expenses.

It’s also harder to plan for unexpected life events such as illness or being made redundant.

With assistance to save and improve ‘money management’ knowledge and skills, our programs put participants in a better position to control household budgets, make confident and knowledgeable choices about financial products and services and plan for the future.

BSL also advocates for affordable and fair financial services.