Leave a gift in your Will

Australia is a wealthy nation, yet many in our community still live in poverty. You can make change that lasts by remembering the work of BSL when you make or amend your Will.

Why leave a gift in your Will

Leaving a gift in your Will helps us create a better future for people experiencing poverty. You will also help us tackle the root causes of poverty. Once you have made provision for those you love, a gift in your Will to us is a testimony to your compassion.

How to leave a gift in your Will

Leaving a gift in your Will is easy. If you already have a Will, you may add a codicil to include BSL. If you do not have a Will, we highly recommend you seek professional advice.

Suggested wording when leaving a gift in your Will

I give free of all duties or taxes (insert the appropriate statement selected from the options below):

  • The whole of my estate
  • (insert number) % of my estate
  • The residue of my estate
  • (insert number) % of the residue of my estate
  • The sum of $ (insert the value of your gift)
  • (insert number) of my (insert name of shares) shares

To the Brotherhood of St. Laurence (ABN 24 603 467 024) for its general purposes. The official receipt shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executor.

Contact Us

If you have already included a gift to BSL in your Will, or intend to do so, please let us know so we can thank you personally. Also, we will keep you informed about our activities.

If you would like further details please contact our Fundraising Team on (03) 9483 1301  or email  donate@bsl.org.au .