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Ms Rowan McRae

Board Director

BA, LLB(Hons), LLM

Ms McRae is Executive Director of Legal Practice, Civil Justice, Access and Equity at Victoria Legal Aid, overseeing legal assistance in the areas of mental health, disability, migration, discrimination, tenancy and social security.

She has had a wide-ranging career in the legal and community sectors, including at the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department, the International Finance Corporation in Washington DC, and as associate to Justice Hayne AC QC at the High Court of Australia. She has also practised in the private legal profession and has worked on development projects in Indonesia and Timor-Leste.

Ms McRae holds a Master of Laws (Public International Law) from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She also serves on the board of the Victoria Law Foundation.

Ms McRae joined the BSL Board in September 2022 and is a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee.