Brotherhood's security course offers just that

30 June 2015

'I've noticed that I'm more confident now and more relaxed in being able to talk to people,' said Nikol after completing a Brotherhood of St Laurence training program.

The Community Safety and Information Service, run in partnership with the Victorian Government, trains people in the skills they need to work as a security guard while providing a concierge and security service for residents of several Melbourne public housing estates. 'The program is the only one of its kind in Victoria,' said Brotherhood manager Jo Tabit. 'We’re delighted to see our trainees grow in confidence and capability over the year long traineeship, learning about the modern security environment in the classroom, then putting this into effect on the job.' Nikol, who now wants to join the police force, was one of 19 graduates awarded a certificate of completion at the Brotherhood's head office in Fitzroy on Monday 29 June. The Brotherhood's Given the Chance includes a range of programs which offer intensive personal support to disadvantaged job seekers; particularly those who live in public housing, are long-term unemployed, or face other significant barriers to participating in the workforce.

Brotherhood's security course offers just that

30 June 2015

'I've noticed that I'm more confident now and more relaxed in being able to talk to people,' said Nikol after completing a Brotherhood of St Laurence training program.

