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It's on for young and old at coolibah table tennis finals

12 September 2016

Congratulations Barry and Kanchana, winners of the Brotherhood’s Coolibah Centre 2016 table tennis grand final. The best-of-three grand final contest came down to the wire – the pair narrowly beating Coolibah members Yu Zhi and Sok Lan.

The Coolibah is our community centre for disadvantaged seniors, and table tennis is one of many activities it offers. Members also enjoy gardening in the Coolibah’s vegetable patch, painting classes, computer training, the sewing group, playing pool, exercise sessions, dance classes and regular group excursions in our bus to restaurants, shops, the beach, festivals and other attractions. Our General Manager, Retirement and Ageing Christine Morka says our approach at the Brotherhood is to encourage and help older people to pursue their interests and passions, both at our centre and out in the community. ‘Our aged care programs emphasise that care should not be an end in itself, but a tool for good living. We build on each individual’s strengths so they can live the best possible life. ‘At the Coolibah Centre we help our members to be healthy and active and to enjoy life to the full in a friendly and relaxing environment,’ she said. A total of 276 games have taken place there between 24 teams (48 players) since this year’s tournament began in March. Coolibah Manager Marica Cindric said teams were comprised of Brotherhood staff and volunteers and members of the Coolibah. ‘Table tennis is a popular sport at the Brotherhood. The annual competition is fierce. The youngest player this year was in their early 20s and the oldest in their 80s,’ she said. In claiming the winner’s trophy, Barry Pullen, a Research and Policy Centre volunteer (and former Victorian Government Minister) congratulated the opposing team, who had been at the top of the ladder for the most of the season. ‘The ball can go the wrong way and the game goes the other way,’ he said.

It’s on for young and old at Coolibah table tennis finals

12 July 2016

Congratulations Barry and Kanchana, winners of the Brotherhood’s Coolibah Centre 2016 table tennis grand final. The best-of-three grand final contest came down to the wire – the pair narrowly beating Coolibah members Yu Zhi and Sok Lan.

