2023 Tucker Oration and Evening Prayer Service
On Wednesday 24 May 2023, you're invited to attend to the 2023 Tucker Oration and Evening Prayer Service as we celebrate the legacy of Brotherhood of St. Laurence's (BSL) founder, Father Gerard Tucker.
This event commemorates the founder Fr Gerard Tucker and celebrates the ongoing work of the Brotherhood of St Laurence. In acknowledgment of this, our evening will include prayers of thanksgiving with music from the Christ Church Choir, and the Oration delivered by the Revd Dr Michelle Trebilcock.

This year's orator will be BSL Chaplain, Michelle Trebilcock who will speak on the topic of Faith and Justice in a Secular Age.
The cry for systemic justice to create an Australia free of poverty has driven BSL far beyond its initial vision as a ministry of the Anglican Church. Much has changed in 90 years in both the religious and welfare dimensions of Australian society.
During her presentation, Michelle will raise some of the following questions:
- Where is the place of faith in the quest for social justice in contemporary secular Australia?
- How does Father Tucker's founding vision for Anglican ministry translate into an open and generous advocacy by a community of allies, which is at once secular and spiritual?
Register to attend
The Evening Prayer Service and Oration will be at Christ Church South Yarra , birthplace of Father Tucker, in the midst of choral evensong and will be followed by supper. Spaces are limited and registration is essential.
WHEN: 6:30pm followed by the supper at 7:30pm.
WHERE: Christ Church South Yarra, 677 Punt Rd, South Yarra
RSVP: by Monday 15 May at https://events.humanitix.com/2023-gerard-tucker-oration