Time and date
Monday 27 February 2023, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Online webinar

Register for our next BSL Talks webinar on Monday 27 February 2023

BSL Talks - Arriving to thriving. Supporting education, training and employment pathways for young people from refugee backgrounds

The Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) invites you to hear from professionals and young people from refugee backgrounds, who will discuss the necessary components and success stories of a dedicated youth settlement service that enables newly arrived young people to receive tailored assistance around their education, training and employment pathways.

Join our distinguished panel as they outline how an ongoing offer enables all young people of refugee and migrant backgrounds to build their social capital to enhance their economic and social participation in Australia. This will be highlighted through sharing learnings from the delivery of the recently evaluated Youth Transitions Support program, of which BSL has been one of the six providers since 2016.

The focus of this work has been to engage young people to identify their aspirations, meaningful vocational pathways and connect them to real-word opportunities with employers. Programs like this represent a good return on the investment in young people’s social and economic participation, to ensure we do not leave this group behind, and that they are not scarred by COVID’s economic aftereffects. 

Panel members include:

  • Paris Aristotle – CEO, Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture (Foundation House)
  • Gina Dougall – CEO, Banksia Gardens Community Services
  • Sarah Hanoon – BSL Youth Advisor
  • Parwana Ahmadzai –Administration Assistant at Banksia Gardens Community Services and former Youth Transitions Support program participant

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