BSL Talks - Ending child poverty in Australia: Systemic and practice-based solutions
Watch our special Anti-Poverty Week edition of BSL Talks

Ending child poverty in Australia: Systemic and practice-based solutions
As part of Anti-Poverty Week, we hosted a special BSL Talks on what can be done to end child poverty in Australia.
Child poverty remains stubbornly high across Australia. One in six children (16.6%) are growing up in poverty in Australia, which is higher than the general rate for adults (12.7%). There is a great deal of research on how this negatively impacts children, so what can be done to address this?
In conversation with our Executive Director Travers McLeod they will explore the importance of the new Early Years Strategy and how access to high quality early childhood education can help break cycles of disadvantage.
Learn more about child poverty:
- UNICEF’s Commitment to Ending Child Poverty and Achieving the SDGs: Measurement, Advocacy and Evidence Based Policies:
- Anti-Poverty Week: