BSL Talks - Locked out: Poverty and the Australian housing crisis

Time and date
Tuesday 15 October 2024, 12 pm to 1 pm AEST
Online webinar

Watch our Anti-Poverty Week edition of BSL Talks - Locked out: Poverty and the Australian housing crisis

Locked out: Poverty and the Australian housing crisis

In Australia almost everyone is being impacted by the current housing crisis, but those on the lowest incomes are hit the hardest.

While mortgage holders are being hit with high interest rates, those in private rental accommodation are being hit with eviction notices. The recent State of Housing Report, issued by the National Housing Supply and Affordability Council, showed that rents were up 35% since 2020 and 8% in 2023, with a vacancy rate of 1.6% making it increasingly difficult to find a rental home, let alone hold onto one.

Watch our special Anti-Poverty Week edition of BSL Talks focusing on what can be done to address the housing affordability crisis for people on the lowest incomes.

Facilitated by our Social Policy and Research Centre, hear from Maiy Azize (Deputy Director of Anglicare Australia and Chairperson of Everybody’s Home), The Hon. Kevin Bell AO KC (former Victorian Supreme Court Judge and author of Housing: The Great Australian Right), and Juanita McLaren (advocate, expert by experience and research).

