BSL Talks - Mind the gap!
Register for our next BSL Talks webinar on Thursday 9 March 2023

According to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, women, on average earn, $26,596 less than men each year.*
With a new government and a renewed focus on women’s economic equality, it’s timely to discuss the gender pay gap: why it persists, and what we can do about it.
Following International Women’s Day, join Dr Dina Bowman, Principal Research Fellow, Work and Economic Security from the Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) in conversation with:
- Professor Lyn Craig , Professor of Sociology and Social Policy, in the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Melbourne.
- Lisa Darmanin , Branch Secretary, Victorian and Tasmanian Authorities and Services Branch, Australian Services Union
- Natalie Paine, Social Impact and Reporting Lead, ANZ
We look forward to your attendance.
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