BSL Talks - Opening opportunities: Removing employment barriers for young people with disability

Time and date
Friday 29 November 2024, 11 am - 12 pm AEDT
Online webinar

Watch our BSL Talks webinar below

Opening opportunities: Removing employment barriers for young people with disability

The most significant barrier to employment for young people with disability is not ability, it’s opportunity. We need to address the culture of low expectations for young people with disability and address the system-level issues that result in them following a ‘polished pathway to poverty’.

That’s why the National Collaboration on Employment and Disability (NCED) was established by the Brotherhood of St. Laurence: to achieve genuine and lasting reform so that young people with disability can successfully transition from education into decent and meaningful employment. Collaborating with governments, schools, employment and disability services, researchers, employers, and young people, the NCED works to remove barriers and support young people with disabilities in living, learning, and working.

Everyone has a part to play.

Watch our BSL Talks webinar on how we can break down these barriers, facilitated by BSL Chief of Services Julie Ware, hear from youth advocate Maddison Bergen, Swinburne Centre for Social Impact’s Dr Jenny Crosbie, and an employer who has been actively championing inclusion in his workplace, Damien Charles, Regional Manager Northern Territory at NEC Australia.

