BSL Talks - Dead ends: How the social security system is failing us

Time and date
Tuesday 28th September 2021, 12 - 1pm
Online webinar

The Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) invites you to hear from Dr Dina Bowman, Principal Research Fellow at BSL, in conversation with a panel of experts who will discuss critical findings from the latest report: Dead ends: how our social security system is failing people with partial capacity to work .

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A decade of changes to eligibility and assessments has meant more and more people have been locked out of the Disability Support Pension because they have been assessed as having ‘partial capacity to work’.

The impact to people with disability and/or chronic health conditions has been severe. They must rely on the much lower JobSeeker payment and deal with the stress of meeting JobSeeker requirements, with little support and little hope of finding a job.

Those that have been deemed as having ‘partial capacity to work’ now represent about one third of people receiving JobSeeker - and the number has been growing.

In our webinar, we’ll explore the issues and discuss how the social security system needs to change to provide better support for all of us.

The panel

Join Dr Dina Bowman in conversation with a panel of experts about the issues and what needs to change:

  • Professor Peter Whiteford, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University
  • Associate Professor Karen Soldatic, Western Sydney University
  • Natasha Thomson, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations
  • Donna Flood, Solicitor, Welfare Rights Centre NSW

The webinar link will be provided upon completion of booking. This webinar will include Auslan Interpreting and close captioning. If you have any accessibility requirements, please contact Dara Duch ( ) prior to the webinar.


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