BSL Talks - Financial lives in uncertain times: Lessons from the COVID-19 crisis

Time and date
Tuesday 7 December 2021, 12 - 1pm
Online webinar

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The Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) invites you to hear from Dr Dina Bowman, Principal Research Fellow at BSL, and our distinguished panel who will discuss the findings from the Financial lives in uncertain times series.

Join our distinguished panel as they examine the impact of the pandemic on financial wellbeing and economic security on disadvantaged groups, and discuss policies for a more resilient future.

The expert panel

The webinar link will be provided upon completion of booking. This webinar will include Auslan Interpreting and closed captioning. If you have any accessibility requirements or require assistance to register, please contact Dara Duch ( or 0473 578 618 ) prior to the webinar.

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