BSL Talks - Shifting the dial on child and family poverty: What will it take?

Time and date
Tuesday 19 October 2021, 12 - 1pm
Online webinar
Shifting the dial on child and family poverty: What will it take?

In Australia, 1 in 6 children live in poverty. No other age group is experiencing poverty more than Australia’s children. With more that 750,000 children aged 0-14 years living in poverty, mitigating the impacts is crucial for so many.*

We know adequate income is key to addressing poverty - the temporary supports provided during the early phases of the pandemic dramatically cut child and family poverty. With the removal of these supports, child poverty rates have increased - particularly for single parent families where poverty rates are expected to reach 41%.**

But we also know that poverty isn’t just about money. Social exclusion, limited opportunities and education inequities can undermine children’s health and wellbeing in the short and long term.

In this webinar, we explore the question: What will it take to shift the dial on child and family poverty?

The expert panel

Join BSL’s Head of Children’s Programs, Katrina Herbert, in conversation with our expert panel:

The webinar link will be provided upon completion of booking. This webinar will include Auslan Interpreting and closed captioning. If you have any accessibility requirements or require assistance to register, please contact Dara Duch ( or 0473 578 618 ) prior to the webinar.

Watch the webinar recording

Blog: Shifting the dial on child and family poverty webinar


 *Davidson, P., Bradbury, B., Hill, T. and Wong, M. (2020), Poverty in Australia 2020: Who is affected? ACOSS/UNSW Poverty and Inequality Partnership Report No. 4, Sydney: ACOSS.

** Phillips, B. & Narayanan, V. (2021), Financial Stress and Social Security Settings in Australia, ANU Centre for Social Research

