Frankston Thrive Hub: bridging gaps, building futures
BSL was thrilled to officially launch the Frankston Thrive Hub pilot initiative with Victorian Minister for Employment Vicki Ward in early June.

The Thrive Hub is an innovative one-stop employment service that helps people in Melbourne’s south-east to obtain meaningful and sustainable work.
The Thrive Hub bridges a vital gap in the employment services system by offering a broader range of supports to local jobseekers, helping them secure long-term employment. Offering employment and training services as well as a range of bespoke services including mental health, drug and alcohol, homelessness, education re-engagement and disability supports, the service aims to knock down barriers to employment while building capability and resilience.
Through utilising community connections, local businesses benefit as well, gaining access to a highly motivated and supported workforce – a win-win for the entire community.
Former Thrive Hub participant Taylah spoke at the event, explaining how the service gave her the confidence and support to complete various certificates, create a resume, enrol in trade school and start working as an apprentice plumber – a job she still has and loves today: “I’m the second female to start with my company on this job site which is a big deal for me.”
Hume City Council is working closely with our Youth Transition Support program towards opening a second Thrive Hub in Broadmeadows.
For more information on BSL’s Thrive Hubs, visit