The Gerard Tucker Oration
On Wednesday 24 May 2023, we held a very special event to celebrate the Brotherhood of St. Laurence (BSL) and our founder, Father Gerard Tucker.
Held at Christ Church in South Yarra (where Father Tucker was born), this year's orator was our own BSL Chaplain, Dr. Michelle Trebilcock. On the night, Michelle delivered an inspiring presentation on the topic of Faith and Justice in a Secular Age that emphasised the importance of people, an ideal that's always been at the heart of our organisation.
Michelle argued that Father Tucker's theological vision for social justice is embedded in the way that BSL works to honour people in their individuality, raising each communities' capacity to achieve their own wellbeing, whilst working for the common good of all.
If you missed the Gerard Tucker Oration, you can read Michelle's full Oration here .