The gap: Why Australian women earn millions less
There’s a vast gap between the projected lifetime earnings of the average Australian man with kids, compared with the projected earnings of the average Australian woman with kids. The gap is about two million dollars.
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That’s according to Danielle Wood, budget policy and institutional reform program director with the Grattan Institute, specialising in tax, budget and competition policy, integrity reforms and inequality.
In this Brotherhood Talk, she looks at the main factors that contribute to women’s economic disadvantage, considering earnings across the course of their lives. Download Danielle’s slide presentation (782KB PDF).
Economic sociologist Dr Dina Bowman argues many of those factors have persisted over the decades. She is principal fellow in work and economic security with the BSL Research and Policy Centre, and honorary principal fellow in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne. BSL Executive Director Conny Lenneberg opens the discussion.
This public talk was hosted by the BSL Research and Policy Centre on 12 September 2019.
Transcript podcast women earning gap (PDF, 266.5 KB)Share