U.N. Sustainable Development Goals in Australia: Leave no one behind

Are we giving the next generation a fair go? For Professor John Thwaites, that’s what the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are all about. Conny Lenneberg sees them as an important shared vision.

Listen here on our website, or on Apple Podcasts , Google Podcasts , Soundcloud or Spotify .

John Thwaites is a Professorial Fellow at the Monash University Sustainable Development Institute in Melbourne. He was also Deputy Premier of Victoria from 1999 to 2007.

Conny Lenneberg is BSL Executive Director.

This public talk was hosted by the BSL Research and Policy Centre on 14 May 2019.

Further Information

Transcript of UN Sustainable Development Goals in Australia podcast (PDF, 299.9 KB)
52 mins 7 secs
August 2019
Aysha Zackariya and Sharon Lee
Lee Rosevere

