How to include a gift in your Will
A gift in your Will, no matter how big or small, can help create a better future for all Australians.

Three types of gifts
There are three types of gifts you can consider when you decide to include BSL in your Will.
Residuary gift
This is a percentage or the balance of your estate after other wishes have been carried out.
Pecuniary gift
This is a fixed dollar amount.
Specific gift
This is a particular item or possession such as real estate, financial assets such as shares, or other items of value.
You may wish to use the following wording if you decide to include BSL in your Will.
“I give to the Brotherhood of St. Laurence, 67 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, Victoria 3065 (ABN 24 603 467 024), free of all duties and taxes, for its general purposes, for which the official receipt will be a full and sufficient discharge for the executor(s) or trustee.”
(Please insert the appropriate statement from the options below according to your personal situation and preferences):
1. The whole of my estate or (%) of my estate
2. The residue of my estate or (%) of the residue of my estate
3. The sum of ($ value of your gift)
4. A specific asset such as property or shares
Sharing your decision with your loved ones and BSL
We encourage you to have a conversation with your loved ones about the importance of this enduring gift to BSL.
When you include BSL in your Will, please consider sharing your intentions with us as we welcome the opportunity to personally thank you for your special gift. However, we completely understand if you do not wish to share your decision with us.