Read our blog for human stories and on-the-ground insights into our work to make lasting change for people experiencing disadvantage.
Young people taking part in our employment and education programs hosted some special guests at one of their workshops in Broadmeadows last week.
‘Before I moved to Australia, I had no idea about interview skills or job-searching skills,’ said Abdullahi, a 27-year-old asylum seeker from Somalia, a country in east Africa. Abdullahi is part of a Brotherhood of St Laurence jobs program that has helped 230 asylum seekers who have work rights into employment since July 2013.
Many hands make light work, so the saying goes, and today at the Brotherhood of St Laurence it couldn’t have truer.
Michael, 76, hid his sexuality as a gay man for more than six decades. In a new Brotherhood video, Michael takes to the podium at a major conference in Melbourne to share his story of coming out while living at a Brotherhood aged care home.
Estelle Vale, 79, is a wiz at knitting. And she loves giving gifts. The ever-smiling Estelle has been a resident at Rathdowne Place, an aged care home and partner of the Brotherhood, for over a year.
The Brotherhood's centre for disadvantaged seniors has opened a café for staff, volunteers and visitors. Our employment program, Given the Chance, is using the café to train asylum seekers. If you have a spare 60 seconds, settle in and have a watch.
They may not be young but they can still shake it out on the dance floor. Last Friday night the Brotherhood’s Coolibah Centre, a community centre for seniors, held its annual ball in Fitzroy.
My goals are to have a house, a car and a family," says Ricky, 19. "Without a job, I can't do any of that." Ricky, a member of a Brotherhood youth program, tells his story in this new Brotherhood video.
Kaitlyne, 18, signed up for the Brotherhood's youth transitions program 'in order to get a job'. The 13-week program works with young people in need by supporting them into employment, education or training.
I've been looking for this for some time," said the man about the book. "My wife and I were quite emotional when it arrived in the post." Some books are worth a lot more than even the words and illustrations on the page.