Anglican Church caring agencies condemn Coalition asylum seeker policy

16 August 2013

Leaders of Anglican Church caring agencies meeting today condemned the Coalition policy announced concerning asylum seekers, as "a retrospective, cruel and unnecessary policy targeting vulnerable and dispossessed people".

The comment was made in a statement by Dr Philip Freier, Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne, who chaired the meeting, and also the heads of nine Anglican welfare agencies including Mr Tony Nicholson, Executive Director of the Brotherhood of St Laurence, and Mr Paul McDonald, CEO of Anglicare Victoria.

Their statement continued: "Stripping those already in Australia of hope is unspeakably cruel."

Our history shows what outstanding citizens emerge when compassion and practical assistance are offered to those who seek refuge.

"Already our agencies are receiving anguished and confused calls from asylum seekers in our care, alarmed by today's announcement."

They are troubled, but we are all demeaned by today's announcement.

"It is not our habit to comment in the middle of election campaigns, but today's announcement is so appalling in its lack of compassion that we cannot remain silent."

