The complex, interrelated systems of taxation and income support directly affect the capacity of Australians to live rewarding and productive lives.

Researchers have investigated the impact of fiscal reforms such as changed marginal tax rates and changed rules for income support recipients on the nation's income distribution.



Nicolas Herault and Francisco Azpitarte 2014, Recent trends in income redistribution in Australia: can changes in the tax-transfer system account for the decline in redistribution? , (PDF file, 585 KB), Melbourne Institute Working Paper no. 2/14.

Nicolas Herault and Francisco Azpitarte 2013, Understanding changes in progressivity and redistributive effects: the role of tax-transfer policies and labour supply decisions (PDF file, 539 KB), Melbourne Institute Working Paper no. 33/13.

Nicolas Herault and Francisco Azpitarte 2013, Understanding recent income redistribution trends in Australia: the role of tax-transfer policies and labour supply decisions (PDF file, 1.1 MB), presentation to seminar, Australian National University, Canberra, 30 October.

Earlier publications

The Brotherhood was involved in studies of several aspects of the existing taxation and transfers system, in the lead-up to the major review led by Ken Henry for the Australian Government.

John Freebairn and Rosanna Scutella 2008, The case for change: a snapshot analysis of the Australian tax system (PDF, 69 KB)

Simon Kelly 2009, Reform of the Australian retirement income system , NATSEM, Canberra (PDF, 238 KB)

Judith Yates 2009, Tax expenditures and housing , Brotherhood of St Laurence and AHURI (PDF, 459 KB)

Gerard Brody and Elizabeth McNess 2009, Assets for all? A review of the Australian Government's $77 billion support for asset building (PDF, 161 KB)

Eve Bodsworth 2010 Making work pay and making income support work (PDF, 605 KB)
Making work pay summary (PDF, 136 KB)

Policy submissions

Towards a progressive tax system: submission to the review of Australia's future tax system October 2008 (PDF, 128 KB)

Pension reform for all: submission to the Pension Review September 2008 (PDF file, 82 KB)

Strengthening Australia’s retirement income system: submission to the review of Australia’s retirement incomes system, February 2009 (PDF, 303 KB)

