Madeleine Morey

Progress in designing effective pathways for young people into careers in agriculture

At a glance

AgFutures is an initiative in the Barwon South West region of Victoria that brings together young people, employers, industry representatives and a training provider to co-design and co-deliver a new employment-based, entry-level pathway into agriculture.

The overall purpose of the developmental evaluation is to understand 

  • what is working 
  • challenges for implementation
  • opportunities for refining the model and its implementation.

Dive deeper

AgFutures is a two-year initiative with four phases. The first two phases focus on the co-design of the training product, employer and young person recruitment and delivery of the pre-employment support. Having a year to design the training product and model of delivery will ensure that these meets the needs of all stakeholders. Phase 3 is the piloting of the training product and delivery model, with 50 young people matched with 40 employers. Phase 4 will focus on the reporting and sharing of learnings through a practice guide and final evaluation.

Read more about the AgFutures initiative

Last updated on 5 June 2023

