Empowering disadvantaged households to access affordable, clean energy

ACOSS, Brotherhood of St. Laurence and The Climate Institute

Action is needed to provide all Australians with access to affordable, reliable and clean energy—dubbed the ‘energy trilemma’.

A smooth and timely transition to a modern clean energy system is desirable and achievable. However, Australia's energy system is in disarray, and low-income and disadvantaged households are bearing the brunt of increasing costs. Urgent attention is needed to ensure the transition is affordable, equitable and inclusive.

This joint report from ACOSS, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and The Climate Institute highlights the myriad issues facing low-income and disadvantaged households as the electricity sector transitions, and points to areas for reform.

This report draws on recent commissioned research and consultations with over 120 community and energy stakeholders.

The recommendations are grouped in five outcome areas:

  1. Electricity priced efficiently, including integrated climate policy
  2. Informed and enabled consumers
  3. Energy consumed efficiently and productively
  4. Robust consumer protections
  5. All households having capacity to pay

Download the media release .

Last updated on 4 March 2020

