Janet Saltarin

Janet, Saver Plus Participant The team was really lovely and super friendly… I also really liked that I could do the workshops from home.

Janet went from struggling to pay the bills to saving money with the skills that she built doing Saver Plus.

At time of joining Saver Plus, Janet was newly separated with two children and a baby on the way. Becoming a single income household, Janet was struggling to pay bills on time and to put money aside to save. She saw Saver Plus featured in her son’s high school newsletter.

Wanting to break away from her impulse spending habits, she could see the long-term benefits of Saver Plus and signed up straight away.

Once she began the program and joined the MoneyMinded financial education sessions, she was impressed by how much support she received.

“The team was really lovely and super friendly. They provided excellent support throughout the program, especially with rescheduling workshops when my baby was in and out of hospital.

I also really liked that I could do the workshops from home and was able to create a flexible schedule around the kids.” Janet explained.

With the current cost of living pressures, Janet is really feeling the increasing costs of groceries and rent. Thanks to Saver Plus though, she is now prioritising her needs and wants which has reduced her impulse spending. Through budgeting, she has also identified her spending leaks and makes sure she stays on top of them.

Since completing the program, Janet has automated her savings into two accounts and is continuing to save fortnightly. She has learnt the importance of building up an emergency fund for unexpected costs, as well as the importance of planning for the future.

The savings skills she has learnt has given her financial piece of mind and her long-term goal is to save for a house.

Hear from our participants

Hollie Tilse

Hollie is a sole parent of two who heard about Saver Plus not long after her separation.

Read her story
Mimi Liu

Mimi is a Saver Plus Savings Coach. She first discovered the Saver Plus program 11 years ago when she was studying at TAFE NSW and wanted to save up for a laptop.

Read her story
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Saver Plus

Join Australia’s award winning free financial education and matched savings program and receive up to $500 for education costs.