There are conditions to take part in the program

Take some time to read through the program conditions, so that you understand what you'll need to do during the program and how we will be using your information.

You need to meet the following criteria to take part

A Saver Plus Coordinator will assess your eligibility to join Saver Plus. To be eligible to join Saver Plus and receive Saver Plus services you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • be 18 years or over; and
  • be either
    • the parent or guardian of a child attending school in the current or next year; or
    • attending or returning to vocational education where you will receive an accredited vocational education certificate; ;and
  • you or your partner have regular income from paid employment (many types of income are eligible, including child support and carers payments); and
  • have a current Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card; and
  • be in receipt of an eligible Commonwealth social security benefit, allowance or payment (a full list of eligible benefits, allowances or payments (current at 1 November 2018) is provided below); and
    • ABSTUDY Living Allowance
    • Age Pension
    • Assistance for Isolated Children
    • Austudy
    • Bereavement Allowance
    • Carer Allowance
    • Carer Payment
    • Carer Supplement
    • Child Care Subsidy
    • Child Disability Assistance Payment
    • Dad and Partner Pay
    • Disability Support Pension
    • Family Tax Benefit (Part A)
    • Family Tax Benefit (Part B)
    • Farm Household Allowance
    • Jobseeker Payment
    • Mobility Allowance
    • Newborn Upfront Payment
    • Parental Leave Pay
    • Parenting Payment (Partnered)
    • Parenting Payment (Single)
    • Partner Allowance
    • Sickness Allowance
    • Special Benefit
    • Stillborn Baby Payment
    • Widow Allowance
    • Widow’s Pension
    • Youth Allowance (as a job seeker)
    • Youth Allowance (as a student)
  • be able to demonstrate a capacity to save after your regular expenses have been paid; and
  • have not received matched savings from Saver Plus before (you or your partner).

You will be required to do the following things to participate

Participation requirements

As a Saver Plus participant you must also meet program participation requirements. You must agree to:

  • identify and work toward an eligible education-related savings goal;
  • complete the online MoneyMinded financial education program offered as part of Saver Plus,
  • open a new ANZ Progress Saver account;
  • make regular and consistent deposits into the new ANZ Progress Saver account
    • over 10 months; and
    • as agreed in the Saver Plus Application Form and these Program Requirements;
  • maintain contact with the Saver Plus Coordinator;
  • have access to the internet and digital device at a suitable and private location;
  • be able to read and understand spoken English or have someone who can assist me;
  • be computer literate or have someone who can assist me;
  • use the matched savings for the purchase of the education-related savings goal as agreed in Your Application Form.

    If there is a change in your circumstances you should contact your Saver Plus Coordinator immediately to discuss adjusting your savings period or savings amount. Where required a letter of variation documenting the change(s) will be provided.

    ANZ Progress Saver account

    All Saver Plus participants must open a new ANZ Progress Saver account. Current details regarding the ANZ Progress Saver account are available at by searching “Progress Saver”.

    You will need to meet these conditions to receive matched savings

    Conditions for receiving matched savings

    If you meet the Saver Plus program requirements, you will be eligible to receive matched savings. Please note:

    • you will receive $1 in matched savings for every $1 you deposit and maintain in your designated ANZ Progress Saver account (up to $50 per month, to a maximum of $500) until the end of the last month of the 10 month savings period.
    • if you miss three months of deposits in total over the program you may become ineligible to receive matched savings
    • matched savings do not take into account any interest earned
    • if you withdraw money from your account, including interest earned, it may affect your matched savings, always contact your Saver Plus Coordinator before withdrawing savings from your ANZ Progress Saver account
    • deposits made into your ANZ Progress Saver account after the program end date will not be matched.

    Once your savings period has ended and your final deposit is confirmed, we will:

    • confirm your eligibility to receive matched savings and the amount to be matched
    • request that you complete a Matched Savings Claim Form.

    Program administrators reserve the right to determine who is eligible for matched savings in accordance with the Saver Plus program rules. ANZ will only authorise matched savings on this advice.

    Any matched savings you receive must be used according to the Saver Plus program rules and the education-related goals you agreed with the Saver Plus Coordinator. Your own money that you save can be used at your discretion or left in the account if you wish to continue saving.

    At the end of the savings period, we will arrange for an electronic funds transfer (EFT) into your ANZ Progress Saver account or if you have closed your account, an EFT to another active bank account at another banking institution.

    This process will commence in the month following your final deposit and upon contact made by the Saver Plus Coordinator to you. You will need to follow the required steps to receive your matched savings.

    Changes or early termination of the Saver Plus program

    The Saver Plus program rules are subject to change at any time. You will be advised of any change by the Saver Plus Coordinator. If the Saver Plus program is terminated by ANZ, Brotherhood of St. Laurence and/or any other party to the program for any reason before the savings period is completed, your matched savings will be calculated on the balance in your ANZ Progress Saver account at that time.

    What you can expect from us and providing your feedback

    Service Charter

    In the delivery of the Saver Plus program, we will:

    1. Respect and uphold the dignity and rights of each person and family involved with the program

    • respond to each person and family with respect, and in a non-judgmental way
    • acknowledge each person’s individual circumstances and needs
    • respond appropriately to cultural diversity
    • offer applicants/participants the opportunity to provide feedback on the program to inform continuous improvement
    • uphold applicants’/participants’ rights.

    2. Maximise access for people and families to ensure equity in the delivery of the program:

    • provide a quality program which is effective, efficient, and appropriately targeted
    • provide a dignified, welcoming, safe and accessible environment for the provision of the program
    • ensure support is available for the duration of the program
    • work collaboratively in delivering the program and liaise with other relevant organisations for the benefit of applicants/participants
    • where possible, refer applicants/participants to support services in the community to increase self-reliance and help address any underlying issues contributing to financial stress.

    3. Be accountable within program and budget limitations:

    • seek feedback and respond, in a timely manner, to complaints about the program from applicants/participants
    • meet privacy and confidentiality obligations.


    We value compliments, complaints and suggestions. We value the opportunity to respond to your feedback, however you may also provide your feedback anonymously.
    If you are not satisfied with the delivery of the Saver Plus program or feel that you have not been treated fairly and reasonably, contact your Saver Plus Coordinator. In most cases, complaints will be managed locally in the first instance. However, if you are not satisfied with the local process, you can request a complaint review by contacting either the Program Manager or the Saver Plus National Office:
    National Saver Plus Manager

    You will be asked to participate in research

    Ongoing assessment and improvement of Saver Plus

    ANZ and the Brotherhood of St. Laurence use researchers to evaluate Saver Plus for us to ensure that we are able to continually assess and improve the program. We request your permission for any researchers we appoint to evaluate Saver Plus to contact you in the future to give your view on your experience in the Saver Plus program. The contact may involve sending you a survey or asking you to participate in a research interview. The researchers will then report the findings to ANZ and the Brotherhood of St. Laurence, who may publish the aggregated and de-identified findings publicly.

    • Even if you agree now to being contacted by our researchers, you can still decline to participate if you are contacted in the future.
    • You will not be contacted for any purpose outside of the research.
    • You will not be named in the results of the research - your information is completely anonymous and you won’t be identified in any way.

    Policy advocacy and program innovation

    In addition, researchers acting on behalf of ANZ, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence, DSS or other program delivery agencies (The Smith Family and Berry Street), may also draw on de-identified data (such as financial information) that the Brotherhood of St. Laurence may have already collected from you (for example to assess your eligibility to join the Saver Plus program) to inform policy advocacy and program innovation.

    You will not be named in the results of the research - your information is completely anonymous and you won’t be identified in any way. If you have any questions at all, please contact National Saver Plus Manager at

    You will need to participate in the MoneyMinded financial education workshops

    You are required to attend and participate in 10 hours of MoneyMinded financial education workshops. If you are permitted to complete MoneyMinded Online (as you are completing the program in one of our remote sites or have been granted a MMO waiver), you must agree to the below MoneyMinded Online Declaration.

    MoneyMinded Online Declaration

    I understand that to participate in MoneyMinded online as part of Saver Plus, I must:

    1. Have access to internet on computer, laptop or tablet (not mobile phone)
    2. Be able to read and understand spoken English or have someone who can assist me
    3. Be computer literate or have someone who can assist me

    I agree to:

    1. Complete a spending diary for at least a week after completing the first four MoneyMinded online activities.
    2. Participate in two conversations with my Saver Plus Coordinator to discuss the online activities and Saver Plus program

    I agree for my Saver Plus Coordinator to use my name and email address to register me as a participant of the MoneyMinded adult financial education program developed by Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ABN 11 005 357 522) (ANZ). In doing so I understand that ANZ is required by the law to verify the identity of its customers and that the personal information that I enter into the MoneyMinded portal will only be used to verify my identity and to update ANZ’s records.

    I confirm that I have read and agree to the MoneyMinded Terms and Conditions and MoneyMinded Security and Privacy Statement that can be found at here

    This is how your information will be used

    The Brotherhood of St. Laurence is collecting your information to assess your eligibility to join the Saver Plus program and, if you are accepted as a participant, to administer the Saver Plus program. By providing this information, you agree that the Brotherhood of St. Laurence may disclose your personal information to Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) and other program delivery agencies (The Smith Family and Berry Street). You also agree that ANZ and the Brotherhood of St. Laurence may provide information (including your ANZ Progress Saver account information and your Commonwealth social security benefit, allowance or payments) to other program delivery agencies (The Smith Family and Berry Street) to assess your eligibility and to assist in the administration of Saver Plus. Your de-identified data will be provided by the Brotherhood of St. Laurence to the Department of Social Services (DSS) in compliance with the DSS’s program reporting requirements. Your de-identified data may also be used by the Brotherhood of St. Laurence now and in the future for (i) Saver Plus program promotional purposes; and (ii) for research purposes to ensure that we are able to continually assess and improve the Saver Plus program and, to inform our policy advocacy and program innovation.

    You may request access to your information at any time from the Brotherhood of St. Laurence. Access will be granted in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988. If any of your information is inaccurate, you may request that it be corrected.

    The Brotherhood of St. Laurence addresses its privacy and confidentiality obligations through the Brotherhood of St. Laurence’s privacy policy. If you wish to access information that we keep about you, you should contact: National Saver Plus Manager, email:

    Your commitment to us to participate in Saver Plus in order to receive matched savings

    Saver Plus Declaration

    I understand that to participate in Saver Plus and receive matched savings, I have agreed:

    • to the savings goal and period in my Application form
    • to regularly deposit my savings in my ANZ Progress Saver account
    • to complete the MoneyMinded financial education program & make a start on the workshops starting the first workshop within the first four months of saving
    • to maintain contact with my Saver Plus Coordinator
    • to use matched savings for the purchase my education-related savings goal only as agreed in my Application Form

    If I do not fulfill this agreement, I may not receive any matched savings.

    If I do fulfill this agreement, matched savings will be available to be claimed from the middle of the month following my final deposit to be claimed preferably within six months after my final deposit.

    A single person or couple may receive matched savings only once and I declare that I have not participated in the Saver Plus program and received matched savings previously.

    You understand that to participate in Saver Plus and receive matched savings, you agree to the above declaration.