BSL Talks

Watch our latest BSL Talks - Women marching forward?

BSL Talks is a regular webinar series hosted by the Brotherhood of St. Laurence. Evidence and research are discussed across a range of topics from housing affordability to climate justice. The aim is to consider the real life impacts of research on policy making and service improvements. While the community sector is the target audience, the general public are also encouraged to attend. To subscribe to hear about future BSL Talks events, please visit

Watch our latest BSL Talks - Women marching forward? 

Join us as we reflect on progress (and lack of progress) and explore what’ s needed to tackle persistent gender inequality in Australia.

2025 marks fifty years since the release of the Henderson Commission of Inquiry into Poverty’s first major report, Poverty in Australia.

No women were members of the Inquiry into Poverty when appointed by Prime Minister Billy McMahon in 1972. Nor were any women authors of the final report to the Whitlam Government in 1975.

Since then, there has been much to celebrate, with hard-won policy changes designed to support women’s economic security and independence. But progress has not been smooth or easy. Low pay, unpaid care work and gendered violence are just some of the factors that contribute to women’s poverty and disadvantage.

Hear from Dr Dina Bowman, Principal Research Fellow at BSL’s Social Policy and Research Centre in conversation with Emeritus Professor Bettina Cass (University of NSW), Professor Kay Cook (Swinburne University of Technology) and Farah Farouque, (Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria). 

Register for our next BSL Talks - Tackling inequality: hearing from experts with experience

Inequality often remains unseen, yet many in our society face significant challenges daily. We invite you to hear directly from the experts - those with experience and deep knowledge of inequality—who will share their personal challenges, insights, and stories of resilience. Dr Nicole Bieske from our Social Policy and Research Centre will facilitate the discussion and will be joined by a panel of experts with experience.

Please join us on Wednesday 30 April at 12 pm AEST for our free online webinar. Registrations are essential.