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Media enquiries
Michelle Schwensen
Senior Manager, Communications and Engagement
0491 287 359
Bridie Riordan
0491 159 256
Please note that we are unfortunately unable to respond to media enquiries for assistance with school or university assignments due to resourcing constraints.
Please visit our Policy and Research page for resources on preventing and alleviating poverty in Australia, or the About Us page for information on BSL as an organisation.
Media resources
A Frankston program run by the Brotherhood of St Laurence that helps young people who have left or are at risk of leaving school to finish their education desperately needs an injection of government funding to continue.
Read media releaseA new report has put the spotlight on the untold story of more than 310,000 Australians aged 15 to 24 who are underemployed - that is they have some work but want more hours.
Read media releaseThe youth unemployment rate has risen in most regions of Victoria over the past year, Brotherhood of St Laurence analysis of the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows.
Read media releaseAn innovative service that provides secure accommodation to young people who are either homeless or at risk of homelessness in exchange for a commitment to study and training has opened.
Read media releaseWith the Victorian Parliament debating the future of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) scheme today, leading welfare group the Brotherhood of St Laurence urges support for the scheme, which helps low income households cope with rising energy prices.
Read media releaseA new report commissioned by the Energy Efficiency Council, Brotherhood of St Laurence and Energy Efficiency Certificate Creators Association raises concerns about Victorian Government modelling on the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET).
Read media releaseHIPPY, the parenting and early learning program that has achieved extraordinary results in helping children prepare for school, is expanding throughout remote and regional Australia, with a focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.
Read media releaseThe State Budget will come as a great disappointment to the more than 80,000 Victorian families who have one of their young members unemployed, according to the welfare agency the Brotherhood of St Laurence.
Read media releaseHillary Clinton says she's honoured to be a HIPPY mum, and soon to be HIPPY grandma.
Read media releaseAustralia cannot afford the level of youth unemployment that has risen to 260,000 and is eroding many young people's self-respect and potential, says former Treasury Secretary Dr Ken Henry.
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