News Media centre
We welcome enquiries from media organisations who are seeking comment on poverty and disadvantage in Australia.
Media enquiries
Michelle Schwensen
Senior Manager, Communications and Engagement
0491 287 359
Bridie Riordan
0491 159 256
Please note that we are unfortunately unable to respond to media enquiries for assistance with school or university assignments due to resourcing constraints.
Please visit our Policy and Research page for resources on preventing and alleviating poverty in Australia, or the About Us page for information on BSL as an organisation.
Media resources
A stark new analysis has zeroed in on key areas across Australia where youth unemployment is growing the fastest.
Read media releaseAs data shows youth unemployment in Australia hitting crisis point, a new campaign for youth employment, My Chance, Our Future, is being launched today.
Read media releaseAn early learning program which has seen extraordinary results helping parents and carers take the role of their child's first teacher is opening in 25 new locations with a focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
Read media releaseMany families struggle to afford back-to-school costs, particularly after the expensive summer holiday period.
Read media releaseHow should we tackle the challenge of welfare reform in constrained economic times? What role can community organisations play as fiscal constraints limit what governments can do?
Read media releaseHouseholders are more concerned about electricity bills than other-cost-of-living expenses and want their State Governments to help reduce energy costs, says a new survey.
Read media releaseFamilies in 25 communities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia will now be able to take part in HIPPY, which has proven outcomes in improving family relationships and preparing children for school.
Read media releaseThe COAG Reform Council's latest reports on education and skills confirm what the Brotherhood of St Laurence already knows that – disadvantaged young people are doing it tough.
Read media releaseAn innovative new series of youth programs will commence on 18 October at the new Connections@Craigieburn centre.
Read media releaseRecently updated, the Brotherhood of St Laurence's Social Exclusion Monitor, researched in collaboration with the Melbourne Institute, has found a noticeable increase in disadvantage since the beginning of the global financial crisis in 2008.
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