Celebrating IDAHOBIT in Wyndham

7 June 2023

Our Disability Services team proudly attended the Wyndham City Council's IDAHOBIT Day event on Wednesday 17 May to show support against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia within the local community.

The event began with a pride flag raising ceremony, followed by a delightful morning tea and inspiring speeches delivered by local LGBTQIA+ local leaders with lived experience.

It was a successful gathering, with strong support from the council, stakeholders, and community members, including Liana Thompson, Director of City Life at Wyndham and a prominent LGBTQIA+ advocate.

Our team collaborated with the council, Victoria Police, and local disability and LGBTQIA+ support groups on the day and set up an informational booth about the Brotherhood of St. Laurence’s (BSL) Disability Services. Attendees had access to important resources such as access request forms and information booklets and gather with other Wyndham City staff, community groups, and stakeholders to reflect and raise awareness about the challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals.

This event marked the first collaboration between BSL and the Council, and it won’t be the last. The positive response and engagement from all participants highlight the importance of continued collaboration and the need for ongoing efforts to promote inclusivity and support for the LGBTQIA+ community.

Our Disability Services team is proud to have been part of this significant event, and we look forward to future opportunities to join forces with Wyndham City Council in our shared commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equality.

The Disability Services team at the Wyndham City Council's IDAHOBIT Day event.
The Disability Services team at the Wyndham City Council's IDAHOBIT Day event.

