Reclaiming social security
An ongoing project exploring how income support could be made adequate and fair
The adequacy of social security payments and the impact of the conditions imposed on Australians receiving them are key topics in working towards a country free of poverty.
This research has included a series of seminars led by academics and other experts, as well as related publications.
Contact Dina Bowman
Seminar papers
Associate Professor Beth Goldblatt, University of Technology Sydney, University of New South Wales and the University of the Witwatersrand The right to social security – what it means for Australia (PDF, 974 KB)
Peter Whiteford, Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University The future of social protection in a changing labour market: Towards a research and policy agenda (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Yvette Maker, Melbourne Social Equity Institute, University of Melbourne, Advancing the citizenship rights of people with disabilities and carers: A framework for balancing competing claims in income support policy (PDF, 780 KB)
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