News Media centre
We welcome enquiries from media organisations who are seeking comment on poverty and disadvantage in Australia.
Media enquiries
Michelle Schwensen
Senior Manager, Communications and Engagement
0491 287 359
Bridie Riordan
0491 159 256
Please note that we are unfortunately unable to respond to media enquiries for assistance with school or university assignments due to resourcing constraints.
Please visit our Policy and Research page for resources on preventing and alleviating poverty in Australia, or the About Us page for information on BSL as an organisation.
Media resources
The Brotherhood of St Laurence welcomes today's announcement by the Federal Government of a significant expansion of the Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY) program to support Indigenous families in an additional 50 communities across Australia.
Read media releaseLike many, the Brotherhood of St Laurence had hoped this Budget would begin to address the inadequacy of the Newstart payment rate.
Read media releaseThe Victorian Budget represents a missed opportunity for the State Government to put forward a coherent strategy to address the problems of persistent disadvantage in some of the most neglected parts of our community, the Brotherhood of St Laurence said today.
Read media releaseThe Brotherhood of St Laurence has joined over 50 organisations and 1200 individuals across Australia to campaign for asylum seekers to have the right to work. We believe the right to work is a fundamental human right that should be upheld.
Read media releaseThe Brotherhood of St Laurence will show Melbournians how to transform household trash into treasure at the Recycling is Fun Day at the Melbourne Town Hall, on Friday 22 February, during the Sustainable Living Festival.
Read media releaseVictoria’s Auditor-General today released a report evaluating recent initiatives to tackle homelessness stemming from the state and federal National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH).
Read media releaseAs households struggle with rising energy prices, a State Government scheme providing free light-globes and shower heads contributed to power-saving improvements in close to half a million households across Melbourne.
Read media releaseThe Brotherhood of St Laurence and Hanover Welfare Services welcomed today’s announcement by Minister Lovell of the Victorian Government's second youth foyer to be operated at Holmesglen TAFE, Waverley Campus.
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