News Media centre
We welcome enquiries from media organisations who are seeking comment on poverty and disadvantage in Australia.
Media enquiries
Michelle Schwensen
Senior Manager, Communications and Engagement
0491 287 359
Bridie Riordan
0491 159 256
Please note that we are unfortunately unable to respond to media enquiries for assistance with school or university assignments due to resourcing constraints.
Please visit our Policy and Research page for resources on preventing and alleviating poverty in Australia, or the About Us page for information on BSL as an organisation.
Media resources
Recently updated, the Brotherhood of St Laurence's Social Exclusion Monitor, researched in collaboration with the Melbourne Institute, has found a noticeable increase in disadvantage since the beginning of the global financial crisis in 2008.
Read media releaseA course that trains people to become security officers has seen an African refugee take the first step to a life free of poverty.
Read media releaseGetting a driver's licence is a big step for anyone, but for the nine graduates of the Sunshine-based Drive to Thrive program it is a huge leap forward.
Read media releaseThe Brotherhood of St Laurence op shop in Grovedale is marking a decade of serving the community in true local style.
Read media releaseResearch from The Brotherhood of St Laurence has revealed that actions to reduce energy bills can not only save money, but can improve home comfort and even health and well being.
Read media releaseA $55,000 Australian Government grant will provide a new playground and outdoor barbecue area at the Brotherhood of St Laurence-auspiced African Australian Community Centre in Footscray.
Read media releaseLeaders of Anglican Church caring agencies meeting today condemned the Coalition policy announced concerning asylum seekers, as "a retrospective, cruel and unnecessary policy targeting vulnerable and dispossessed people.
Read media releaseA seven-metre banner has been installed on the spire of St Paul's cathedral, saying 'Let's Fully Welcome Refugees'. The banner is sponsored by the Brotherhood of St Laurence and the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne.
Read media releaseThe Brotherhood of St Laurence welcomes today's official opening of the new Connections@Craigieburn centre that will serve the Craigieburn community.
Read media releaseAn innovative service which provides accommodation and education opportunities for young people who want to study but can't live at home was today opened by the Victorian Minister for Housing, the Hon Wendy Lovell MLC and the Minister for Higher Education and Skills, Hon Peter Hall MLC.
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