The Brotherhood has collaborated with the Melbourne Business School, through its Asia Pacific Social Impact Leadership Centre, in a study of employer engagement initiatives involving disadvantaged jobseekers.

This research, funded by the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust, investigated the motivations of employers and the barriers they face in providing opportunities for diverse jobseekers. It also examined the challenges faced by labour market intermediaries.

Further research funded by philanthropic foundations involved a study of employer toolkits designed to help employers remove barriers for particular jobseekers, including young people, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) groups and mature-age workers.

Contact Dina Bowman


John van Kooy, Dina Bowman and Eve Bodsworth 2014, Understanding employer engagement programs for disadvantaged jobseekers: an exploratory study (PDF, 1 MB)

John van Kooy2015 Employer toolkits: building more inclusive workplaces? (PDF, 1.3 MB)

