Search SPARC publications
For over 50 years, BSL has produced a wide range of research examining how poverty impacts people’s lives at every stage.
Search below for BSL-authored reports, policy submissions, summaries, working papers, etc. dating back to 2000. For earlier publications, please see note below the search results.
Young people experiencing long-term unemployment, and young people’s jobhunting activities, feature in our research for the December 2017 Youth Unemployment Monitor.
Read reportTo understand why people on low incomes do or do not take out insurance we need to understand their overall financial circumstances and the multiple risks they face.
Read reportThe vocational education and training sector must work to demystify VET pathways and better inform and support young early school leavers if it wants to engage them.
Read reportWhat strategies do care workers adopt to balance the demands of regulation and emotional connection in dementia practice?
Read reportWhat is needed to overcome the disadvantage faced by asylum seekers when competing in the labour market?
Read reportInstalling an efficient hot water system might reduce energy usage costs and greenhouse gas emissions, but may be too expensive or too daunting for low-income households.
Read report
Note on earlier works
You may find other BSL works from 1999 and earlier, or those authored by non-BSL sources, by searching our BSL library catalogue. BSL series that are no longer published can be found here: Brotherhood Comment or the Social Policy Working Papers .
In addition to our current research topics, BSL has previously undertaken research on the following concepts. We recommend you visit our library catalogue by clicking on these keywords, cost of education ; financial inclusion ; future of work ; inclusive growth ; mutual obligation ; place-based ; refugees and asylum seekers ; and tax reform .
Other resources you might find useful
Explore our projects , presentations , and episodes of our podcast, Brotherhood Talks.
Click here to read the most recent BSL Annual Reports. You may also access previous BSL Annual Reports in our library catalogue.