Search SPARC publications
For over 50 years, BSL has produced a wide range of research examining how poverty impacts people’s lives at every stage.
Search below for BSL-authored reports, policy submissions, summaries, working papers, etc. dating back to 2000. For earlier publications, please see note below the search results.
How does the thinking of Amartya Sen, and especially of Pierre Bourdieu, help us to understand the processes and experience of inequality?
Read paperSeveral Brotherhood of St Laurence sites and program clusters have been identified as active or potential community activity and service delivery centres. This paper outlines how they began, the community context, their aims, planned outcomes and target populations.
Read reportThis study of a recycling pilot project (HaRP) in the Fitzroy and Collingwood high-rise public housing estates found that many households had become involved in recycling, and so reduced the amount of recyclable material sent to landfill.
Read reportThe Training for Work study analysed the characteristics of participants in training programs run by the Brotherhood of St Laurence.
Read reportThis report presents the evaluation of a small-scale pilot in which refugee women requiring personal and settlement support were matched with volunteer mentors in the City of Hume in Melbourne’s north.
Read reportThe Community Service Leadership Program (CSLP), developed by the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and the Rotary Club of Melbourne, enabled disadvantaged young people in alternative educational settings to explore, devise and implement projects to benefit their local community.
Read reportThis report evaluates a pre-Community VCAL ‘Taster’ course offered at the Brotherhood of St. Laurence’s Frankston High Street Centre.
Read report'Flexicurity' can be understood as a policy framework to balance flexibility for employers on the one hand with improved unemployment benefits, training and assistance in regaining employment for workers on the other.
Read reportHow can partnerships help to create more inclusive forms of governance?
Read paper
Note on earlier works
You may find other BSL works from 1999 and earlier, or those authored by non-BSL sources, by searching our BSL library catalogue. BSL series that are no longer published can be found here: Brotherhood Comment or the Social Policy Working Papers .
In addition to our current research topics, BSL has previously undertaken research on the following concepts. We recommend you visit our library catalogue by clicking on these keywords, cost of education ; financial inclusion ; future of work ; inclusive growth ; mutual obligation ; place-based ; refugees and asylum seekers ; and tax reform .
Other resources you might find useful
Explore our projects , presentations , and episodes of our podcast, Brotherhood Talks.
Click here to read the most recent BSL Annual Reports. You may also access previous BSL Annual Reports in our library catalogue.