Search SPARC publications
For over 50 years, BSL has produced a wide range of research examining how poverty impacts people’s lives at every stage.
Search below for BSL-authored reports, policy submissions, summaries, working papers, etc. dating back to 2000. For earlier publications, please see note below the search results.
Late in 2007, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence convened a roundtable to consider ways to reduce the likely impact of climate change (and related mitigation measures such as carbon pricing) on low-income private renter households.
Read reportThis paper was prepared for the OECD ILO conference 'Employment and industrial relations: promoting responsible business conduct', held in Paris in June 2008.
Read reportThis report examines the survey responses of 58 low-income Victorian families about the cost of their 129 primary and secondary school-aged children’s participation in formal education during 2007.
Read reportThis snapshot analysis prepared for the Brotherhood of St. Laurence highlights key federal taxation areas requiring reform.
Read reportAs the imposition of a carbon price is planned in Australia to encourage movement away from carbon-based energy, this mapping exercise illustrates the uneven pattern of carbon use by poor households across Melbourne and across Victoria.
Read report
Note on earlier works
You may find other BSL works from 1999 and earlier, or those authored by non-BSL sources, by searching our BSL library catalogue. BSL series that are no longer published can be found here: Brotherhood Comment or the Social Policy Working Papers .
In addition to our current research topics, BSL has previously undertaken research on the following concepts. We recommend you visit our library catalogue by clicking on these keywords, cost of education ; financial inclusion ; future of work ; inclusive growth ; mutual obligation ; place-based ; refugees and asylum seekers ; and tax reform .
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Click here to read the most recent BSL Annual Reports. You may also access previous BSL Annual Reports in our library catalogue.